All about Nangs and Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide whipped cream chargers are known as “Nangs” in Australian slang. In particular, the term “nangs” is typically used to refer to “whipped cream bulbs” . Whippits is another slang word for them. Whip-it is the brand name of a product. However, the term “nang” can apply to any brand of nitrous oxide charger. This includes iSi and Mosa.

Nangs, sometimes known as “whipped cream chargers,” are 8-gram stainless steel bulbs loaded with food-grade nitrous. Approximately 25 grammes in weight, each nangs Melbourne measures 0.43 x 6.35 centimetres. Nangs are not to be confused with carbon dioxide soda bulbs, which are used for both carbonated beverages and air guns. When maintained properly, a dispenser has a useful life of more than five years.

Similar to other medications, nangs have the potential to be abused by humans. While physical dependence on nitrous oxide is mild, emotional dependence on nangs has the potential to be quite harmful to individuals who misuse them on a regular basis.

An intriguing narcotic with a long and varied history, nangs are more widely used than you may imagine for entertainment purposes. Nangs are frequently listed as the drug of choice for Schoolies Week, alongside MDMA, because they are both inexpensive and widely accessible. There are also nang delivery businesses that operate late at night and provide delivery in large cities around the clock, seven days a week, 365 days a year. One of them notoriously advertises that they are there “For all your baking requirements.”

When inhaled, a nang produces a rapid onset of great euphoria along with a momentary sense of lightheadedness in its user for a very brief length of time. After using nang, a person will feel high for at least 20 seconds, during which time they may experience feelings of euphoria, dizziness, relaxation, and giggles. The majority of users will drink many nangs in a single session, despite the fact that the high they experience from each individual usage is rather consistent and does not rise with each additional nang.

In contrast to other party drugs, there is no “comedown” after using this one, and the user will be back to normal within a few minutes. Given their accessibility and low price, they are typically used in social settings; however, serious users may choose to experiment with them alone.

Can there be too many nangs?

Researchers discovered that the likelihood of paraesthesia increased with increasing N2O doses (shown in graph). While five dosages was the most common, 130 people said they took 100 or more each time they went. A student from Australia was found to have nerve damage in her spinal cord as a result of inhaling up to 360 dosages on a weekly basis.